What is Active Income and Passive Income?

What is Active Income and Passive Income?


What is Active Income and Passive Income? Following are the complete details about active income and passive income.

I have answer all questions related to active income and passive income,if you have further queries about active income and passive income,feel free to leave a comment below.

What is active income?

  • You give your time, efforts, energy for an income
  • You will be paid if you are giving your time, efforts, energy
  • You will not be paid if you are not giving your time, efforts, energy
  • You work for money
  • Money is not working for you
  • less chances of becoming millionaire

Examples of active income?
  • 9 to 5 jobs
  • Opening a shop and running it by yourself all time
  • Doing any business and running it by yourself all time

What is passive income?
  • You give your time, efforts, energy once for an income of lifetime
  • You will receive money if you are giving your time, efforts, energy
  • You will receive money if you are not giving your time, efforts, energy
  • You do not work for money
  • Money works for you
  • More chances of becoming millionaire

Examples of passive income?

  • Real estate
  • Property Business
  • Renting Business
  • Big Business
  • YouTube Channel
  • Website

How can I make active income?
  • Get a job
  • Start any small business
  • Get some education and give it to those who need it by charging them
  • Get some skills and give it to those who need it by charging them

How can I make passive income?

  • Buy a property and give it on rent
  • Buy a shop and give it on rent
  • Start a You tube channel
  • Create your website
  • Write Blogs
  • Start a small business and convert it into a big business by working on it
  • Give your time, efforts, energy to that business and grow it
  • Once you grow it, hire trusted people for it and start some other business

Difference between active income and passive income?

  • In active income you work for money
  • In passive income money works for you
  • In active income you have to give your time, efforts, energy for an income, for life time
  • In passive income you give your time, efforts, energy once and then eat its fruits for life time
  • 9 to 5 jobs in active income
  • Do work whenever you want to do in passive income

How to make passive income with zero (o) money?

There are no such ways to make passive income with zero (0) money but i will share some of the ideas which will cost you less amount of money and can generate passive amount of income for You.

You tube channel or Website? 

Having a you tube channel and a website are such platforms which will cost you less amount of money and if you work hard on your content and be consistent, then trust me you can generate a huge amount of passive income from these platforms.

These two are very good choices, but those will generate passive income from these platforms who are consistent and hard workers in this field.

There is a saying that;

"the more you work on yourself, the more you will excel"

I personally like this one;

"The men who have succeeded are men who have chose one line and stuck to it"


So that was my opinions about active income and passive income for further queries feel free to contact us or leave a comment below, we will love to have your comment.

Thank You So Much For Your Time

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